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Clinical Director, Sanford School of Medicine of the University of South Dakota
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Three Day Menu Plan: 3 Meals + Snack Thismenuisbasedon1600calories,caloriescanbeadjustedbyalteringportionsizes. Day1 Oatmeal,cooked(1cup) Non-dairymilk(1cup) Flaxseed,ground(1tbsp) Chiaseeds(1tbsp) Blueberries(1/2cup) Egg,hardboiled(1lg) Greentea(2cups) Salad Spinach(3cups) Broccoli(1/2cup) Carrots(1/2cup) Tomato(1/2cup) Chickenbreast(4oz) Barley,cooked(1/2cup) Avocado(4slices) Oliveoil(1/2tbsp) Vinegar,balsamic(11/2tbsp) Orange(1med) Vegetablejuice(12oz) Popcorn,air-popped(2cups) Day2 GreenSmoothie Greens(3cups) Berries,frozen(1/2cup) Proteinpowder(1svg) Groundflax(1-2tbsp) Chiaseed(1tbsp) Almondmilk,unsweetened (3/4cup) VegetableBeanSoup(2cups) Corntortilla(1med) Greensalad(2cups) Oil/vinegardressing(1tbsp) Day3 Eggscramble Eggs(2lg) Onions(1/4cup) Spinach(1cup) Mushrooms(1/2cup) Apple(1med) Almondbutter(1tbsp) Greentea(2cups) Blackbeancornsalad(2cups) oversteamedkale(1cup) Fruitsalad(1cup) Almonds(1/4cup) Tempehfajitas(4oz) Onions&peppers(1. NutritionInformation(per4ozserving): Calories:120 Dietaryfiber:<1gm Sodium:575mg Fat:5gm Saturatedfat:<1gm Iron:1. Nutritioninformation(perserving): Calories:39 Sodium:82mg Calcium:51mg Saturatedfat:0gm Protein:4gm DietaryFiber:2gm RecipefromtheU. Dietaryfiber:7gm Alaska Salmon Bake with Walnut Crunch Coating Ingredients: ·1poundsalmonfillets,thawedifnecessary ·2tbspDijon-stylemustard ·1-2tbspoliveoil ·4tsphoney ·1/4cupbreadcrumbs ·1/4cupwalnuts,finelychopped ·2tspparsley,chopped ·Saltandpeppertotaste ·Lemonwedges Mixtogethermustard,oliveoil,andhoneyinasmallbowl;setaside. Pumpkin Oat Bars Ingredients: ·3cupsglutenfreeorregularoldfashionedoats ·2tspbakingpowder ·1/2tspbakingsoda ·1/4tspsalt ·11/4tspcinnamon ·1/8tspnutmeg ·pinchofgroundcloves ·1cupcannedpumpkin ·2tsppurevanillaextract ·1/2cupunsweetenedapplesauce ·1/2cupdarkbrownsugar ·1tbspmeltedcoconutoil optional:1/3cupregularchocolatechips,driedcranberries,raisins,walnuts Preheatovento350degreesF. Neat Loaf Ingredients: ·2cupscookedbrownrice ·1cupwalnuts,finelychopped ·1onion,finelychopped ·1/2mediumbellpepper,finelychopped ·2mediumcarrots,shreddedorfinelychopped ·1cupwheatgerm(couldsubstituteflaxseedoralmondmealtobegluten-free) ·1cupquick-cookingrolledoats ·1/2tspeach:thyme,marjoram,sage ·2tbspsoysauce(orgluten-freetamari) ·2tbspstonegroundorDijonmustard ·Barbecuesauceorketchup Preheattheovento350F. Raw Kale Salad with Aged Balsamic Vinaigrette Ingredients: ·1largebunch(about1pound)lacinatokale(alsocalled"dinosaur"or"Tuscan"kale) ·Koshersaltandfreshlygroundpepper ·2tspDijonmustard(optional) ·2tbspgoodqualitybalsamicvinegar ·1/4cupextra-virginoliveoil ·Juiceof1/2lemon(optional) ·1mediumshallot,finelychopped(optional) ·Ahandfultoastednutssuchasalmondsorwalnuts(about1ounceor1/4cup) ·1apple,choppedorahandfuldriedfruitsuchascurrants,cranberries,raisins,driedcherries,etc (about1ounceor1/4cup) Striptheleavesoffthestems. NutritionInformation(perserving): Calories:125 Cholesterol:0mg Sodium:165mg Fat:2gm Protein:4gm Carbohydrate:22gm RecipeadaptedfromtheVegetarianResourceGroup. Coconut Quinoa Chia Granola Ingredients: ·1cuprolledoats(orsteelcutoats) ·1/2cupquinoa,uncooked ·1/2cupalmonds,coarselychopped/slivered/sliced ·1/4cupchiaseeds ·1/8tspseasalt ·3tbspcoconutoil ·3tbspmaplesyrup ·1tspvanillaextract ·1/4cupcoconutflakes,unsweetened Preheatovento325degreesFandlinebakingsheetwithparchmentpaper. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supports the value of this clinical document as an educational tool, June 2017. The Board of Trustees conducted an independent review and revision and approved the position statement. Address correspondence to the North American Menopause Society; 30100 Chagrin Blvd. These statements do not represent codified practice standards as defined by regulating bodies or insurance agencies. The 2017 Hormone Therapy Position Statement of the North American Menopause Society is based on material related to methodology, a review of key studies and evidence-based literature, and presentation and synthesis of evidence. It was written after this extensive review of the pertinent literature and includes key points identified during the review process. A scientific background report supporting the 2017 Hormone Therapy Position Statement of the North American Menopause Society can be found online at Relative risk (risk ratio) is the ratio of event rates in two groups, whereas absolute risk (risk difference) is the difference in the event rates between two groups. Conjugated equine estrogens and estradiol are rapidly metabolized into weaker estrogens such as estrone. When adequate progestogen is combined with estrogen, the risk of endometrial neoplasia is not higher than in untreated women. The combination provides endometrial protection without the need for a progestogen. Progestogen therapy Progestogen dosing-regimen options that provide for endometrial safety are dependent on the potency of the progestogen and vary with the estrogen dose. Different types and doses of progestogens, routes of administration, and types of regimen (sequential or continuous-combined) may have different health outcomes. Lowdose vaginal estrogen is available as a cream, tablet, ring, and in some countries, a pessary. Progestogens are available as oral drugs, combination patches with estrogen, intrauterine systems, injectables, and vaginal gels or tablets.
Cisplatin was administered once every 3 weeks at doses of 75-80 mg/m2 at a 20-40 mg/m2/h infusion rate allergy medicine makes me irritable order beconase aq 200mdi with visa. Cisplatin was administered concurrently with either vinorelbine allergy symptoms head buy beconase aq 200mdi lowest price, paclitaxel milk allergy symptoms in 18 month old purchase beconase aq 200mdi mastercard, etoposide or gemcitabine allergy symptoms in 3 month old beconase aq 200mdi low cost. Hydration protocol of cisplatin-based chemotherapy Intravenous infusion of 500 ml saline in 60 min was followed by infusion of gemcitabine, paclitaxel, vinorelbine or etoposide in another 500 ml of saline. Then, cisplatin infusion with 1000 ml saline was given in 4 h, followed by another 500 ml saline (at least 2500 ml saline in total). Intravenous magnesium sulfate 3 g were administered as standard treatment to every patient. Patients were divided into two groups according to whether they developed nephrotoxicity. Baseline characteristics according to contrast exposure Contrast exposure Yes N (%) 121 (100) 18 (14. Logistic regression analysis was used in order to test baseline parameters for their prognostic value regarding toxicity. Log-rank test was used to examine the statistical significance of the differences observed between the groups. Cisplatin-based chemotherapy was used mostly in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (N=98), pancreatic cancer (N=54) and small cell lung cancer (N=40) in this study population. There was no difference in terms of age, gender, body mass index and smoking history between the two groups. The mean serum uric acid and potassium levels were similar between the two groups. In both groups, a median of 4 cycles of cisplatin-based chemotherapy was given every 3 weeks with a median cisplatin dose of 320 mg/m2. Several mechanisms are responsible for renal dysfunction following cisplatin administration. These mechanisms are tubular epithelial cell toxicity, vasoconstriction in the renal microvasculature and pro-inflammatory effects of cisplatin [9]. Because of its low molecular weight, cisplatin is freely filtered in the glomerulus [10]. Cisplatin can also cause vasoconstriction in the renal microvasculature, thus leading to decreased renal blood flow [12]. Renal vasoconstriction is a common finding of contrast nephropathy which is mediated by contrastinduced release of endothelin and adenosine and by the high osmolality of the contrast agent [13,14]. Besides, contrast media can cause tubular injury as a result of direct cytotoxic effects or in association with the generation of oxygen free radicals [15]. Oymak and colleagues [17] also reported the induction of an irreversible acute renal failure following intraperitoneal cisplatin chemotherapy and contrast media injection in a woman treated for ovarian cancer. Despite aggressive hydration with saline, which is routinely applied in the clinic like in our study, nephrotoxicity still occurs. Mannitol is frequently used to induce diuresis; however there is no convincing data that mannitol and other diuretics may attenuate cisplatin nephrotoxicity [18]. N-acetylcysteine, a thiol derivative, may have some role in preventing cisplatin nephrotoxicity in high risk patients, but there are contradictory results in the prevention of contrast nephropathy [19,20]. In another study, no nephrotoxicity was observed in the second-line therapy for small cell lung cancer with a platin derivative picoplatin [23]. Until less nephrotoxic compounds of platin derivatives are widely available, it seems suitable to avoid concomitant nephrotoxic agents and volume depletion during conventional cisplatin treatment. Radiologic procedures, mostly with contrast media, are widely used to evaluate the response to chemotherapy. In conclusion, we suggest that radiographic procedures with intravenous contrast material should be delayed for at least 1 week in patients receiving chemotherapy with cisplatin. High dose cis-platinum diammine dichloride: amelioration of renal toxicity by mannitol diuresis. Creatinine clearance as a predictor of ultrafilterable platinum disposition in cancer patients treated with cisplatin: relationship between peak ultrafilterable platinum plasma levels and nephrotoxicity. Platinum organ toxicity and possible prevention in patients with testicular cancer. Body-surface area-based dosing does not increase accuracy of predicting cisplatin exposure. Weekly high-dose cisplatin is a feasible treatment option: analysis on prognostic factors for toxicity in 400 patients.
Small cell allergy symptoms sore joints beconase aq 200mdi with amex, neuroendocrine allergy forecast alabama discount beconase aq 200mdi on-line, and clear cell lesions have a worse prognosis allergy medicine names purchase beconase aq 200mdi with visa, as do poorly differentiated cancers allergy treatment 4 hives purchase 200mdi beconase aq otc. Because many patients with cervical cancer are treated by radiation and never undergo surgicalpathologic staging, clinical staging of all patients provides uniformity and is therefore preferred. The clinical stage must not be changed because of subsequent findings once treatment has started. Cervix Uteri 397 In order to view this proof accurately, the Overprint Preview Option must be set to Always in Acrobat Professional or Adobe Reader. A survey on staging and treatment in uterine cervical carcinoma in the Radiotherapy Cooperative Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. Tumor size, irradiation dose, and long-term outcome of carcinoma of uterine cervix. Vascular space involvement, venous or lymphatic, does not affect classification Measured stromal invasion 3. The upper two-thirds of the uterus above the level of the internal cervical os is referred to as the uterine corpus. The oviducts (fallopian tubes) and the round ligaments enter the uterus at the upper and outer corners (cornu) of the pear-shaped organ. The portion of the uterus that is above a line connecting the tubo-uterine orifices is referred to as the uterine fundus. Tumor involvement of the cervical stroma is prognostically important and affects staging (T2). The location of the tumor must be carefully evaluated and recorded by the pathologist. The depth of tumor invasion into the myometrium is also of prognostic significance and should be included in the pathology report. Malignant cells in peritoneal cytology samples have been documented in approximately 10% of cases of presumed uterine confined endometrial cancer cases. The regional lymph nodes are paired and each of the paired sites should be examined. When there are insufficient surgical-pathologic findings, the clinical cT, cN, cM categories should be used on the basis of clinical evaluation. In surgically staged patients, using multivariate analysis, these factors are surrogates for the probability of nodal metastasis. The importance of tumor cells in peritoneal "washings" and the presence of metastatic foci in adnexal structures may have an adverse impact on prognosis, but they remain controversial and require further study. Serous papillary and clear cell adenocarcinomas have a higher incidence of extrauterine disease at detection than endometrioid adenocarcinomas. The risk of extrauterine disease does not correlate with the depth of myometrial invasion, because nodal or intraperitoneal mestastases can be found even when there is no myometrial invasion. In malignancies with squamous elements, the aggressiveness of the tumor seems to be related to the degree of differentiation of the glandular component rather than the squamous element. Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical studies support classifying malignant mixed mesodermal tumors as high-grade (G3) malignancies of epithelial origin rather than as sarcomas with mixed epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation, as in earlier classification systems. Multiple studies have confirmed the inaccuracy of clinical assessment of regional nodal metastasis in many anatomic sites. For this reason, surgical/pathologic assessment of the regional lymph nodes is strongly advocated for all patients with corpus uteri cancer. That distinction can best be made by histologic verification of clinically suspicious cervical involvement or histopathologic examination of the removed uterus. The pT, pN, and pM categories correspond to the T, N, and M categories and are used to designate cases where ade- 36 Corpus Uteri 405 In order to view this proof accurately, the Overprint Preview Option must be set to Always in Acrobat Professional or Adobe Reader. Notable nuclear atypia, which exceeds that which is routinely expected for the architectural grade, increases the tumor grade by 1. Serous, clear cell, and mixed mesodermal tumors are high risk and considered Grade 3. Surgical pathologic spread patterns of endometrial cancer: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study. Parity as an independent prognostic factor in malignant mixed mesodermal tumors of the endometrium.
It is likely that much fewer than half of women will choose subsequent treatment in the near-term after an initial intervention allergy medicine safe during pregnancy order 200mdi beconase aq free shipping. However allergy forecast iowa city buy discount beconase aq 200mdi line, we can also speculate that the priorities which led women to participate in the initial trials reflected the intensity of treatments they were most interested in pursuing so it is not surprising surgeries were most followed by other procedures promptly (within 6 months) by those were not satisfied with initial results while those who enrolled in medication trials were less likely to pursue more aggressive options allergy quotes quality beconase aq 200mdi. Because of the limited roster of studies that followed women for 6 allergy testing yeast discount beconase aq 200mdi without prescription, 12, or 24 months, this analysis does not substitute for study of treatment trajectories in which all initial treatments can be followed by all possible combinations of next treatments. Influence of Patient/Fibroid Characteristics on Effectiveness Overall, data are inadequate to assist women in choosing one intervention over another based on her individual characteristics or the characteristics of her fibroids. Too few studies were adequately powered to determine within arms if one subgroup or another has superior outcomes within a treatment. Such information is required as a first step towards using individual characteristics to inform treatment choice. Risk of Leiomyosarcoma When Mass Thought To Be a Fibroid Overall, from 160 studies, we conclude that in every 10,000 who have surgery for fibroids, between 0 to 13 women, may be found to have a leiomyosarcoma. One advantage to prospective studies is that they employ standardized approaches for inclusion and data collection and apply quality controls for histopathology. Participants in prospective studies were somewhat younger than those in retrospective studies (mean age 38. Among prospective studies 57 percent focused on myomectomy findings; 36 percent on hysterectomy, and 6 percent included both types of surgery. Among retrospective studies 32 percent focused on myomectomy; 49 percent hysterectomy, and 19 percent both. Because leiomyosarcoma risk increases with age 25,26, differences in age distribution and potentially in surgery type would be expected to result in a lower prevalence estimated by our models. The literature investing the prevalence of leiomyosarcoma in presumed fibroids has grown rapidly and this continues to inform risk estimates. Unfortunately, the published literature does not contain enough detail to stratify risks by age, menopausal status, or surgical approach. Similarly, the literature lacks information on individual or fibroid characteristics that could discriminate those at high risk from those with lower risk. Thus the available data produces wide confidence intervals for broad groups of women when estimating rare outcomes. Factors Affecting Leiomyosarcoma Survival At this time, definitive data that power morcellation is associated with poor long-term outcomes in the presence of unsuspected leiomyosarcoma is limited. In our meta-analysis of 24 studies that provide data about use of morcellation in three categories: none, scalpel, or power; we find that power morcellation may be a determinant of death from leiomyosarcoma. As noted above, we cannot discern from the available literature any patient or fibroid characteristics that predict survival. Applicability Overall, our findings are widely applicable to the general population of women seeking treatment for uterine fibroids. We excluded studies in pregnant women, and restricted our synthesis to treatments currently available in the United States. Over 40 percent of the studies were conducted in European countries and another 27 percent were conducted in the United States or Canada. Although the outcomes collected may differ by country and by healthcare setting, the interventions were selected to be comparable so that the results reported in this review are expected to apply to women with fibroids in the United States. Sixteen studies with placebo arms or no treatment arms that included 514 women served as a surrogate. This population is not an ideal substitute as participants in the trials presumably hoped to receive active treatment and may report their status differently than women willing to be randomized to watchful waiting. This could restrict applicability but since the majority of studies included a plausible level of participant masking, they would be unlikely to know if they were on an active agent. Medical management of fibroids was assessed in over 2,800 predominately premenopausal women from 43 studies (15 industry-sponsored and 11 conducted in the United States). Surgical studies evaluated hysterectomy, myomectomy, and endometrial ablation in over 3,000 women. Although none of the surgical studies were conducted in the United States, the surgical procedures are comparable to those widely available to women in the United States. Data in these studies were inadequate to assess applicability based on patient characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, pregnancy intention, or menopausal status) or fibroid characteristics (size, position, and number) that could influence effectiveness outcomes. In summary, this review is generally applicable to women in the United States seeking one of the many treatment choices currently available for fibroids. The literature about risk and outcomes of leiomyosarcoma does not separate cases well by type or surgery or menopausal status.
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